⤴ SDACK Tools


The ModificationSyncService is a REST service that can be used to synchronize the access to shared resources from multiple applications. Such resources may be a central database or interfaces to external systems, for example. Applications can request a lock to a certain resource and if the resource is not locked already the request will be granted and recorded. Otherwise the application will be notified that a lock exists so that it can react accordingly, e.g. by notifying the user or postpone the processing of the resource. The business framework of SDACK can use a sync service to synchronize requests to persistent entities in a database.

The service is part of the esoco-lib library of SDACK. It is implemented in Java as a server application that listens for HTTP requests on a certain port (default 7962 = SYNC). This makes it simple to run it as a Microservice, e.g. in a Docker container. To connect to a sync service from an application esoco-lib also contains the ModificationSyncEndpoint that provides a simple Endpoint interface to sync services. For the administration of running sync services the command line tool ModificationSyncServiceTool can be used.

Service Structure

The data held by the sync service is a mapping from resources to lock holders. If a client application wants to register a lock for some target resource it must provide identifiers for the target and for itself. These identifiers are string values and their structure, content, and global uniqueness must be defined by the applications. For example, in the case of database records a typical target ID could be a combination of table name and unique record ID.

If no lock is already held by another client the mapping is entered and the lock is granted. Otherwise the HTTP error status code 423 (= Locked) is returned. If the client no longer needs access to the resource it must release the lock for the respective target ID. Releasing locks is crucial for the correct functioning of the service and must therefore be implemented thoroughly to prevent the lock service from holding stale locks.

To avoid the need to operate multiple sync services for different deployment stages of the applications the sync service expects an additional context parameter besides the target and client IDs. It defines the context for which a lock is managed (e.g. develop, test, and production), allowing to deploy a single service to handle all sync requests in an organization. But if desired it is still possible to deploy multiple sync services and just use a default context. If all contexts are handled in a single instance it must be ensured that especially the applications in development or under test don't compromise the sync service (e.g. by flooding it with invalid locks). In the case of erratic application behavior the ModificationSyncServiceTool can be used to remove stale locks.

Service API

The API of the sync service can be accessed through several URLs relative to the service address. Requests to these URLs must be in JSON format which is also used for the responses. The main URL is /api/sync/ under which the actual synchronization API is available to applications. There are also some additional URLs that can be accessed:

  • /info: displays some basic informations about the service (this is also the default if the service address is invoked without a URL
  • /ping and /healthcheck: both return true if the service is up and running. Can be used for monitoring purposes
  • /api/status provides serveral endpoints to query the service status:
  • /api/status/uptime: the uptime of the service in milliseconds
  • /api/status/start_date: the start date and time of the service in the standard ISO date-time format
  • /api/status/current_locks: the currently held locks, mirrored from the sync API
  • /api/control allows to query and modify the service:
  • /api/control/run always returns true; settings this to false will terminate the service immediately
  • /api/control/log_level returns the log level of the service; it can set set to either TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL to set the logging level of the service

The main sync service API under /api/sync provides the following endpoints:

  • /api/sync/check_lock: check whether a certain lock already exists
  • /api/sync/request_lock: register a new lock for the current client if it not already exists
  • /api/sync/release_lock: release a lock held by the current client
  • /api/sync/current_locks: list the locks currently held by the service (mirrored as /api/status/current_locks)

In addition, the API is mirrored under the base URL /webapi which provides a simple HTML view of the service API. This provides a way to quickly check the service status from a web browser. Service modifications are not possible through the web service. For that purpose the ModificationSyncServiceTool (or the regular JSON API) should be used.


The library also contains an implementation of the Endpoint class that provides an easy way to communicate with a running ModificationSyncService. Examples for using this endpoint can be found in the ModificationSyncServiceTool.


This is a Java command line application that invokes the API of running sync services to perform maintenance operations on it. To use this tool the corresponding classes from esoco-lib and it's dependencies need to be available. The simplest way to obtain a JAR file with this classes is by cloning the project and invoking the corresponding Gradle task:

> git clone https://github.com/esoco/esoco-lib
> cd esoco-lib
> ./gradlew build mss

Afterwards the file mss.jar will be available in the build/libs folder. With this the sync service tool can then be invoked like any java application:

java -jar mss.jar

Because the tool needs some parameters to run it will only display a text with usage information. To display additional help about the usage the parameter -h (or --help) can be used:

>java -jar mss.jar --help
Usage: mss [OPTION]...
Sends a command to a ModificationSyncService running at an URL that must be set with -url

        -h         Display this help or informations about a certain command
        --help     Display this help or informations about a certain command
        -url       The URL of the sync service (mandatory)
        -context   The context to which to apply a command
        -target    The target to which to apply a command (in a certain context)
        -list      Lists either all locks or only in a given context
        -lock      Locks a target in a context
        -unlock    Removes a target lock in a context
        -reset     Resets either all locks or only in the given context
        -loglevel  Queries or updates the log level of the target service

To invoke the tool at least the service URL and a command must be provided:

java -jar mss.jar -url http://sync-service.example.com -list

The command -list will list all locks in the sync service, grouped by contexts. This is the same data that will be displayed when navigating to the /api/status/current_locks URL of the service. If a context is provided with the -context <context> switch a command will only be applied to that context. The list command would then only list the locks in the given context.

The context and an additional -target parameter are required for the -lock and -unlock commands. These set or remove locks for the respective target IDs in a certain context. The -reset command will clear all locks in given context or, if omitted, in all contexts. These lock-modifying operations should be handled with caution as they can severely affect the lock synchronization in an infrastructure. The ModificationSyncServiceTool is an administration tool that is only intended to solve problems that occur because application perform erroneous lock handling.

The last command is -loglevel which sets the log-level of the sync service at runtime as described for the /api/control/log_level URL. Caution is advised for the TRACE and DEBUG log levels as they may cause the output of much data in short time, possibly filling available storage space of the sync service.